Millenium Nucleus ICLAC opens call to apply for ICLAC 2024 Scholarship

The call will be open until December 31, 2023

The Millennium Nucleus Impacts of China in Latin America and the Caribbean (ICLAC) invites students currently applying or accepted into a postgraduate program (Master's or Doctorate) to participate in the ICLAC 2024 Scholarship call.

The call is aimed at students or those in the process of applying for postgraduate programs at one of the host universities of the Nucleus: Pontificia Universidad Católica Chile, Universidad Chile, Universidad Católica del Norte, and Universidad Tarapacá. The call is aimed at all disciplines related to the objectives of ICLAC.

The general objective of the Nucleus is to deepen the understanding of the political consequences of China's “capital boom” in Latin America in the last twenty years, both in its socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. It should be noted that ICLAC has two main lines of research: Chinese actors and their strategies in Latin America and subnational impacts of Chinese investment and trade in Latin America.

Application requirements

  • Be enrolled, accepted to, or in the application process for a postgraduate program
  • Proposal for a thesis topic or final project (maximum 1 page). It should include a title, research questions, and a summary of the literature.
  • Motivation letter (maximum 1 page)
  • CV (maximum 2 pages)


  • Meet the minimum requirements of the participating program.
  • Participation in ICLAC events (planning meetings, dissemination events, participation in conferences, preparation of documents, etc.).
  • A collaboration plan must be agreed upon with one of the ICLAC researchers.


  • Annual gross incentive of up to CLP 2,500,000
  • Liaison with academics and members of the ICLAC Millennium Nucleus
  • Possibility of academic development, including co-authorship of scientific articles (other than the thesis)
  • Option to join the ICLAC Millennium Nucleus as a postgraduate student if you have one of the ICLAC principal researchers as a supervisor. In this case, the scholarship recipient may receive an honorarium of CLP 300,000 in addition to the scholarship in 2024.

To apply, complete the application form and send the requested documents to the following link:

Selection process

  • Start of applications: November 1, 2023
  • Applications close: December 31, 2023
  • Results announced: January 15, 2024

For any doubts or queries about the application process, please write to

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